Guest Article by Professor Thomas G. Field, Jr.
Thomas Field has served as a professor at Franklin Pierce Law Center since 1973. His primary curricular responsibilities include Administrative Process (emphasis on IP
and technological regulation) and Fundamentals of IP. Professor Field is also an accomplished and prolific author with expertise in a wide variety of intellectual property
Professor Field has filed several briefs as amicus curiae in the United States Supreme Court. He supported the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office in
the landmark Zurko case before both the Federal Circuit and, with two other professors, the U.S. Supreme Court (where the USPTO ultimately won 6-3). Professor
Field also submitted an amicus curiae brief in the Bilski case that will be heard before the U.S. Supreme Court on November 9, 2009.
To view Professor Field's Seeking Cost Effective Patents article, choose the article name above, or click